Metaphysics in freedom

“Always keep in mind that “Metaphysics is a free teaching”. Everybody can study it if they wish so, without any rules, impositions, restrictions, bans, dogmas or superstitions.

Metaphysics outlines a free way of living. It can be studied and conveyed by people with any religious and philosophical tendency, race, nationality, class, intellectual level and sexual orientation. As “Internal Teaching”, it encompasses all the philosophies and religious studies that have existed so far. It is not necessary to enter any orders or sects to belong to it. Therefore, it is not against any religion, group, philosophy or sect.

The “Internal Metaphysics Teaching” is free to use and can be expanded. It belongs to all human beings equally, no matter their religion or spiritual group.

All the Metaphysics activities are free and limitless entrance. It is only required a spontaneous and voluntary donation to cover the cost of the activity, such as meeting room rent, technology and necessary equipment.

In Metaphysics, nothing is left to chance, everything is free of improvisation, bad taste, or something cheesy or naive. Metaphysics is not something hidden or mysterious, a sect or an organized religion. It neither proclaims nor forces nationalism or a guide. It does not separate nor go against the family. It has no rector, guru or pope. It is neither an occultist school nor wants to be so. Those who practice Metaphysics are free, open-minded, optimist and friendly people with good taste, educated and humble at the same time.

We are in Metaphysics to solve, be aware of, love, harmonize and forgive.”

Ruben Cedeño

Translated by Noemi Banchi