Pillars of Metaphysics

The Pillars of Metaphysics are:

  1. The Mentalism principle
  2. The ‘Inner Self’
  3. The ‘Seven Rays’
  4. The ‘Violet Ray’

The Pillars of Metaphysics are the first and more important goals to develop in life and constitute angular points of practice and reference for our whole existence.

The ‘first pillar of Metaphysics’ is the ‘Principle of Mentalism’, studied within the ‘Seven Universal Principles’. The ‘second pillar’ is the ‘Inner Self’, which is the ‘I AM’ Presence within each human, studied along with its sheaths. The ‘third pillar’ is composed of the ‘Seven Aspects of the Totality of Life’, studied with the ‘Wisdom Masters’ who guide through those aspects. The ‘fourth pillar’ is the ‘Seventh Violet Ray’, which involves the practice of forgiveness both psychologically and mystically, ceremonial order that organizes everything in the correct way so that everything works harmoniously and transmutation of all negativity into something constructive.

Ruben Cedeño

Translated by Noemi Banchi