The Spirit of the Resurrection Flame

By the Spirit of the Resurrection Flame, Goddess Hope, Archangel Gabriel’s Divine Complement:
“I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection, Servant of the Most High Living God, and I come from the heart of the Universal tonight.

“Why doesn’t humanity invoke Me? Why does humanity not seek Me? Why am I not welcome within the bosom of the human race, when even the smallest bud, the tiniest seed, the most insignificant bulb calls upon Me, draws Me into its bosom, breaks its chains and becomes a magnificent, fragrant and floral manifestation of the Glory of God?

“I have been sent from Lord’s House to a recalcitrant race in which death, disintegration, disease and decay are written side by side on bodies that should be immortal, bright and flaming like the sun, but what? who has welcomed me? The daffodil, the crocus and the carnation? For what reason, human, is there your lack of mastery and your lack of hospitality?

“I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection, the Hope of Eternal Life and the Light, invoked at the tomb of Jesus and blazing through his transfigured flesh, led him to Immortality.

“I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection blazing through the realm of nature. Where does your lack of hospitality towards me originate, human?

“Invoke me, O Humanity of this Earth! Why do you remain putrefactive? Why do you stay in disintegration? I AM speaking to your hearts! What are you looking for, human? Hope! Wealth! Enlightenment! Peace! Purity! Beauty! Divine Supply! You had all that once! Within your life dwells all that – dormant, it’s true – but ‘I AM’ that Spark which is fueled by your life essence, can resurrect for you the Immortality you once knew!

“Come back from the dead, human, and take My Hand with Love and Light! Let me enter into your imprisoned consciousness, which you hold so tight that it becomes a repelling force for everything that would set you free! Oh, let the Flames that we represent enter, so that, with intelligent and conscious Life, they may mingle with your life essence and set you free! You are the fuse, and We are the Cosmic Spark of Life! Nevertheless, We stand with folded arms and downcast eyes – without summons or purpose – although we are Servants of humans and Servants of God!

“Do not think that the Resurrection Flame is an intangible, ephemeral and meaningless dream! Each Flame is an embodied Consciousness of Light and Life that hastens forward to serve.
“I AM the Cosmic Flame, the Spirit of Resurrection tearing into that wall of skepticism, that shell of rejection and lethargy.

“I AM available within your hearts, and wherever my Flame meets the flame of your hearts, the Resurrection of divinity will occur. Since you once had sight, hearing, intelligence and youth, there is HOPE, for ‘I AM’ the Resurrecting Power that brings back that which was given to you by God!

“Remember that when God gives something once, He never takes it away from you! It’s you who have temporarily put aside your gifts.

“Oh, humanity, everyone everywhere, the Spirit of the Resurrection is now being honoured in this Sacred Season of Holy Week, and while the Retreat is active where My Flame visibly rises, I’m going to knock on the door of your conscience, to knock and knock and knock incessantly day and night until you let Me in.

“In the dead of night, you’ll hear My voice calling: “I AM the Spirit of Resurrection calling you from death to Life! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!”.

Godness Hope
Translated by Noemi Banchi

Photo: Hope Valley, California, USA