Are you happy with who you are today?

‘Beloved Master LADY MIRIAM, former Chohan of the First Ray, says: “The simple acknowledgement and realisation that the Presence of God is within you, awaiting your invitation to intensify Its Power and Presence will begin the release of Its Gifts, Its powers and Its Miracle Presence into your world and affairs. This Ever-Presence is alive within your heart. You need no mediator to invoke It. From within Its blessed Self flows comfort, peace, understanding and directive intelligence which reveals the solutions to your daily problems.

‘The Great Elohim HERCULES says: “Are you happy with who you are today? Are you content with half a loaf when you could have a whole one? Have you resigned to live under limitations and with a body that decays? Because what you want, it’s what you manifest.

‘Oh, beloved student of Light, Hercules’ Flame blazes upon your forehead. Remember it each morning and acknowledge It before proceeding into the activities of your outer world, and decree also your purpose to become God’s Will.

‘Remembering Hercules as you move forward, please don’t accept limitations in yourself when you know that you merely require Will exercise within you to draw forth all that you need.”’

Thomas Printz, ‘Daily Meditations’