What are the forces that keep our body in balance and repair? On the physical level, this is the study of such sciences as Immunology […]
Continue reading“I AM the only Presence”
“Sometimes you spend several days connecting yourself with a negative appearance, which will keep manifesting as long as you keep feeding it with your mind, […]
Continue readingThe Being in you – by Ruben Cedeño
‘The Being in you’ is the ‘Universal Being’ or the Divine God’s Presence, ‘Adonai’ for Jews, in the ‘physical sheath’ like the ‘Divine Spark’. ‘The […]
Continue readingDiscrimination
“From the unreal lead me to the Real. From darkness lead me to Light. From death lead me to Immortality.” “Four qualifications there are for […]
Continue readingViolet Flame
Now imagine how flares of the Blue Flame and the Pink Flame merge into a blazing ‘Violet Flame’ that enfolds you from feet to head, […]
Continue readingDecrees
Cedeño, R. states, “the Decree is using the power of the word, thought and feeling to produce certain effects. Observe how we spend our whole […]
Continue readingYou have no power over me
“All destructive condition is wrongly qualified energy of Life, and one day must all be redeemed. “Not by the old idea, but you redeem it […]
Continue readingMetaphysics Activities
Australian Metaphysics Online activity Thanksgiving Noemi Banchi 23/11/2023 @ 6 pm Voluntary donation www.metaphysicsteaching.com Free entry Voluntary donation
Continue readingThe Power of Your “Presence”
“Can you imagine, Dear People, this Messenger, who was such a timid lad up until Saint Germain sent Him forth—He and Blessed Mrs. Ballard—to carry […]
Continue readingFull Moon Festival
Life, as pure and unqualified energy, comes from the Unique Source, which is the Cosmic Logos or “Great Central Spiritual Sun.” From there, it descends […]
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