“I AM the only Presence”

“Sometimes you spend several days connecting yourself with a negative appearance, which will keep manifesting as long as you keep feeding it with your mind, talking and belief. The day you tell that appearance: “you don’t exist”, “you are not true”, “you have no power”; and you use the I AM to state the opposite of that appearance: “unity”, “truth”, “forgiveness”, “love”; you will see the appearance goes away. No matter how big the appearance is, “I AM” is much more and can do much more for you.

When you say “I AM the only Presence”, you are taking away power from all other creations, whether human or not.

When you say: “I AM the only Presence, the only power”, you are taking all power away from everything that is not God in you. This way you are imposing the greatest truth, the greatest power, in order to bring forth perfection. But when you say: “I can’t”, “I don’t know”, “it is impossible for me”, you are closing the door to the manifestation of Light of the Presence of God Itself.

You have the power in your hands, the rod of command. Use it, don’t be afraid of it.”

Rubén Cedeño, Metaphysics