
“Once a year, during the beautiful and mystical month of May, the Lords of Karma gather all the lifestreams that have been chosen to incarnate within that twelve-month cycle. I render the same service through the Kingdom of Nature, and in the same Beautiful and Impressive Ceremony, all the potential mothers of the race are also brought in their subtle bodies to the assembly, and each soul knows and embraces the chosen Mother for different reasons, such as previous ties, Karmic debts or potential service to be the channel through which the soul will secure physical clothing.

“If the son or the mother, chosen by the Karmic Tribunal doesn’t approve of the alliance, they are allowed to speak, and then the Inner Self of each soul – son and mother – makes the final decision. If the lesson to be learned will benefit the soul more, even if there is some antipathy between the two, the union is internally consummated, and the builders of the form take up the task of carrying out the command of the Law at some time of the year.

«For the vast majority of the race, this beautiful ceremony doesn’t involve much detail or much time. However, when the Ceremony takes place by which some High Initiate is united (as was the case of the Beloved Jesus and Mary, His Holy Mother) it’s a glorious and impressive ceremony that remains forever in the heart and consciousness of the beholder.

“[…]Then, Jesus and Mary knelt together, and it was my Great Privilege to bless them both, since it’s part of the Charge of the Holy Spirit to blow the first breath into the nostrils of newborns, and compassionately take the last one of disembodied souls. “‘Do I have the right, My Children, to lend you the Immortal Breath of Life?’ I asked, in the part of the ceremony that is repeated to each incarnating lifestream and their mother because taking the responsibility to accept the breath lies only within the free will of the soul, and allowing accepting that breath lies within the free will of the chosen mother. They both placed their hands on mine and said, ‘Yes, you do. Then, I said: ‘In the Name of the Holy Spirit, I consecrate this union and, at the moment of physical birth, I take the responsibility to blow the breath of life into the lungs of this infant. So be it!”

Holy Aeolus – translated by Noemi Banchi