The offering of Mother Mary

 «I was among those who offered themselves as volunteers. I was among those who stepped forward and said, ‘Yes! I’m willing to go and prepare a body for this Master! I’m willing to uphold the Divine Immaculate Concept of Divinity from him, whatever conditions I may face on Earth.’ […]

“I stood before the Lords of Karma, before my beautiful Kwan Yin and others, including the Goddess of Liberty. Lord Maitreya projected into my mind a small figure of Helios in their presence, and I held that image of Father’s Immaculate Concept in my mind. Then, while I was standing there, the winds began to blow, generated by the Consciousness of the Initiator, which made an effort to disintegrate it. The spiritual rains and the hail came, and my consciousness was almost shattered by the impact of that force. I had to use all the energies of my Light and all the power of my concentration to hold that tiny image, being no bigger than my finger. I prayed with all the intensity of my being to the Flame within my heart so that it wouldn’t allow any force within Me to destroy that image. I held on like this for three hours… three long hours.

“Mighty Hercules directed the Blue Flame and Lightning from him. All the Elohim became the power of my trial. In the end, Lord Maitreya said: ‘Enough! She’s earned the opportunity.”

Mother Mary – translated by Noemi Banchi

Mother Mary, Mother of God,
I ask for your blessing,
so I accomplish my Divine Plan of Perfection.

Photo from St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, Australia