The Divine Plan of Perfection

“A Divine Plan of Perfection is the fulfilment of God’s will for each one of us. It is what we are here for. It is always something good, beautiful, pure and perfect that brings happiness. It is about living well, being intelligent, loving, beautiful, healthy, opulent, supplied with every good thing, with all of our needs met and free. It is for our own good and other livestreams around us.  Everyone’s life is basically determined by their Divine Plan of Perfection.

“Every person, condition and thing can realize and enjoy the ‘Divine Plan of Perfection’ beyond the transforming power of the mind and the karma.

“Life events are basically determined by the Divine Plan of Perfection. This can be impeccably fulfilled, but it can also be negatively modified by karma – the Principle of Cause & Effect – and by the mind and feelings. However, by changing our mind and using it positively, and by using the Law of Forgiveness, the Practice of the Christ and the Prayer, we can bring back the state of happiness and harmony of our Divine Plan of Perfection. Every individual who wants to start studying this, get to know themselves and solve their problems can start here by studying these four factors and putting them into practice.

“It is important to clearly understand that God always acts for good, holding our Divine Plan of Perfection.

“We must be careful not to impose our will on our children and other people because this could prevent them from fulfilling their Divine Plan. This happens when a child wants to be a musician, but we tell them to study dentistry because their father and grandfather were dentists.

“If you are unhappy, it means that you are not carrying out your Divine Plan of Perfection and you are going against the Divine Laws of Nature.

“You have a Divine Plan of Perfection which is to be happy. State, ‘I demand the fulfilment of my Divine Plan of Perfection to bring happiness, love, peace, tranquillity and harmony that I need.’”

Ruben Cedeño, Metaphysics