Triangles of a Threefold Flame

Master The Tibetan downloaded the Triangles’ activity for the Aquarius Age’s spiritual students to the blessing and Ascension of Earth, which is to do the ‘Great Invocation’ daily and on every full moon telepathically with two more people.

The activity is that you are going to form a Threefold Flame with two other people. Choose, by sympathy, two people whom you love and trust the most. You are going to ask them if they would like to do a triangulation with you. If they accept, every time you do the ‘Great Invocation’, telepathically communicate with these two people, and visualize yourself along with them doing so. It doesn’t matter the time or place that every person chooses. The three of you are already a Threefold Flame. At the same time, these two people separately are going to choose another person, so along with you, they will form other different triangles. Therefore, this light network will expand all over the world.

This Triangle’s activity is an extension of a planetary level of the Cosmic Triangulation of Sirius, the Seven Rishis of the Major Bear and the Pleiades. Each of the Seven Rishis of the Major Bear represents one of the ‘Seven Rays’. They form the ‘Blue Focus’ of the Triangle. Being a Being of the ‘Blue Ray’ for Earth, Lord Sirius represents the Second Golden Ray in this Triangulation, and the Pleiades are the representation of the Third Pink Ray of Divine Love.

Ruben Cedeño

Translation Noemi Banchi