The Golden Rule

“The golden rule is the ‘Principle of Cause & Effect’: ‘Everything you want others to do to you, do it to them’.

“As we want ‘Life’ and people to treat us, let us treat others. As we want to be fed, let us feed others. As we want to receive financial support, let us support financially. As we hope that they do not owe us and pay us on time, do not owe but pay. If we want to be forgiven, let us forgive everyone. If we want to receive love, let us love others. If we expect them to be kind to us, let us be kind to others. If we wish to be treated well, let us first treat others well. If we want others to smile at us, let us smile. If we want to be served, let us serve. If we hope that someone will help or teach us, let us do it first. If we want something, let us make the effort to give it, and we will get it. If we are unable to hate, steal or annoy, for the same Golden Rule, let us not allow others to do it to us.”

Ruben CedeƱo

Translation: Noemi Banchi