Scientific Prayer

“The ‘Scientific prayer’ is the right and effective way for praying to achieve everything required.

It’s the cornerstone of the ‘Metaphysics Teaching’, in which flow not only the content but also instruction practice. It’s useful to solve every discordant situation. It harmoniously solves any personal situation, family circumstance as well as national or planetary issues. In addition, it can be used to manifest the ‘Immaculate Concept’ and the ‘Divine Plan of Perfection’ as long as this doesn’t harm anyone.

Memorize this formula and don’t stop saying any sentence because all its content has a specific purpose. Even if there is poverty, war, illness or death, everything can be transformed through the ‘Scientific Prayer’”.

In the name of “I AM” Presence, in harmony with the whole world, under Grace, in a perfect way, I decree (such thing) if it’s by law. Thank you, Father, it’s done.

Ruben Cedeño, translated by Noemi Banchi

“A Metaphysician, who doesn’t work miracles, is not a metaphysician.”

Nora Cedeño