Today is Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday of November 2024, and I woke up thinking of Conny Méndez. On Thanksgiving, we first commemorate the transition of Shamballa from the Gobi Desert to New York. Secondly, on 26/11/1979, Conny Méndez disembodied—in other words, she was released from her personality. Thirdly, Rubén Cedeño officially enrolled in Metaphysics.

Some people may wonder why Metaphysics is considered the most advanced teaching of the Aquarium Age. Well, let me tell you why. Metaphysics is the Inner Teaching, merging:

  • Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Max Heindel, and Alice Bailey’s teachings with the knowledge of the Second Golden Ray;
  • Guy Ballard’s teachings with the power of decrees of the First Blue Ray;
  • Geraldine Innocente, Lucy Littlejohn, Conny Méndez, and Rubén Cedeño’s teachings with the use of the Seven Rays within the Third Pink Ray.

If you are interested in the most advanced ways of managing your business, acquiring knowledge, engaging with fashion, technology, and music, being prosperous, and practising ‘a religion without religion’—or simply learning how to get along with others—Metaphysics is for you.

I remember listening to a recording by Conny Méndez, where she said that if you want to learn Metaphysics, just teach it. Nowadays, it’s often said that nobody teaches anything; students only learn what they want. So, the question is: how do we learn? The answer lies in the activities involved in the learning process—listening, reading, talking, and writing. The more skills we use, the more we learn.

Finally, I would like to mention the “Conscious Competence” learning model applied to Metaphysics, which consists of four stages:

  1. Unconscious Incompetence: I don’t know that I don’t know how to unfold my Inner Self.
  2. Conscious Incompetence: I am aware that I don’t know the procedure for my inner unfoldment.
  3. Conscious Competence: I am aware and practice Metaphysics with a facilitator, training in a group.
  4. Unconscious Competence: I am fully aware that I AM.

‘Practice makes perfect.’

Noemi Banchi