No grave robbing

“Don’t be a grave robber. Let corpses alone. In due course nature disposes of such remains, if they are left undisturbed. Every time you dig up an old grievance or an old mistake by rehearsing it in your mind or, still worse, by telling someone else about it, you are simply ripping open a grave—and you know what you may expect to find.

Live the present. Prepare intelligently for the future—and let the past alone. This is what Jesus meant when he said,

… let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8:22).

Make a law for yourself today that you are not going to touch mentally any negative thing that has happened up to the present moment—and keep that law. Life is too precious for grave robbing. The past is past—liquidate it.” Emmet Fox

If you remember something negative, just stop, take a deep breath and say this decree taught by Saint Germain,

‘I AM the Violet Flame,

transmuting all the mistakes

made by me and all humanity.’