The Hungarian

Saint Germain was born in the Castle of Sárospatak in the Carpathian Mountains as the Prince Rákóczi. He was born and ascended on 1 May in Hungary. Therefore, he is known as “the Hungarian”. He was also coronated as the ‘King of the Golden Age’ on 1 May 1954.

As Avatar of the New Age, Saint Germain is not going to be worshipped but his teachings. Avatar means ‘descent’ or an ‘Awakened Christ’s embodiment who physically lives on earth to communicate and manifest the Inner Teaching, the Supreme Being’s aspects and principles or God and save from ignorance caused by evil.

Saint Germain is the Avatar for this New Anthropocentric Age for the next 2000 years and is in charge of revealing the interiority that the current humanity needs.

The new Inner Teaching revealed by Saint Germain and the Spiritual Hierarchy and applied in Metaphysics is unprecedented.

Objectives of Saint Germain’s teaching:

  1. Set free from physical, emotional and mental negativities.

2. Use the power of the thought, the feeling and the decree constructively.

3. Practice the ‘I AM’ positively.

4. Activate the Violet Fire’s properties.

5. Apply the ceremonial order, the protocol, the ethic and urbanity in all aspects of life.

Ruben Cedeño, translation by Noemi Banchi

Photo: Ruben Cedeño, Fernando Candiotto and Metaphysics facilitators in the Castle of Sárospatak in Hungary, January 2024.