Pass away

Godfré Ray King wrote “The Magic Presence”, in which he describes many events along with Saint Germain.

The story is intermingled with Saint Germain’s explanations. One of them is about death.

“So-called death is but an opportunity for rest and reattunement of the faculties of the personal consciousness.

“The last enemy, death, will have disappeared, for it is but a means of release from a garment which no longer has anything of value to give for the use of the Perfection of Life.

Grief for the death of a loved one is selfishness and but retards the greater good the loved one should be enjoying.

If there be Real, True Divine Love, It can never cease to exist, and must sometime, somewhere, draw us to that which we love. In True Divine Love there is no such thing as separation, and that which feels a sense of separation is not Love. The sense of separation is merely one of the mistakes of the personal self which it continues to dwell in because it does not understand the nature of Consciousness. Where the Consciousness is, there the individual is functioning, for the individual is his Consciousness.

“When one thinks of a loved one who has passed on, he is really with that loved one in his Higher Mental Body the moment his Consciousness is upon the other person. If the Western World could understand this Truth, it would lift the chains which cause such useless suffering. Such grief is all due to the fact that the personality-especially in the feeling-accepts the body as being the individual instead of knowing the body is only a garment which the individual wears.

“It is the ignorance of this Truth which enables such selfishness to keep humanity bound in its self-created chains of limitation.

“It drags thousand of human beings every year into the depths of despair – wholly unnecessary and avoidable – when they could and should be enjoying happiness and living the way the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ intended them to live.”